I Am Here

Through the brokenness, I am here. Through the feeling of being unworthy, unwanted, unappreciated, I am here. Through the darkness in the daylight hours, the steady questioning of why me, I am still here. You saw the heaviness in my spirit and weight on my shoulders, but God. God made my broken heart whole again, he tore down the old me and a new human was born. Through the ashes, I prevailed without any doubt of having an incredible winning streak. I’ve learned to trust God with all aspects of my life because I can’t do it alone. It’s a new day, full of new energy, a new relationship,a newer sense of purpose, a newer lease on life, unconditional love, self love and self care. Building, bonding, trusting, praying, and living life without human constructs is the key that will unlock so many boundaries from within. I look forward to movie nights, long conversations, healing, nature walks, swimming, and traveling. Real optimism, not despair, God has paved the way for a bright and promising future, full of love and happiness, and through it all, I am here.


Early to bed, early to rise…makes a man young healthy and wise.

Psalm 16:6

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.

What Is Prayer To Me

Making prayer a part of your daily life is so beneficial.
It connects us to God.
It reduces anxiety.
It increases gratitude and thankfulness.
A positive mind will unleash an abundance of blessings.
Prayer definitely changes things.