Storms ⛈️

Storms are scary. ⛈️
But it’s the calm after the storm where you can gather yourself and find peace. ☀️

My Wellness Journey

When my uncle asked me to nature walk with him last October I never thought that my wellness journey would begin at that very moment. For one, I didn’t realize that I was that unhealthy, to date I am 25 pounds lighter and I feel amazing, physically and mentally. I am on a mission to get a better relationship with God, and I want to tap into the God within me.

Each Morning

I wake up each morning thanking the good Lord above for another beautiful day. It’s a must that I celebrate each day like it’s my last. Tomorrow is not promised to no one, be kind, be gentle and most definitely, be yourself.


What Drives You?

What drives you? Some of us are driven by validation, some of us are driven by love and some by fear. For me in a lot of examples it’s the latter, fear of what people might say, fear of the piercing laughter, fear of letting someone you love down. It took me many years to figure out that a positive mindset should be my only vehicle, a positive mind equals positive results. Fear is a part of our imagination, my goal is to step back and analyze the situation and tackle it head on instead of being paralyzed with fear. My goal is to minimize all of the programs and constructs I was fed my entire life and just Be the best human I can be without fear. I hope this post help someone, leave a comment bellow.

What drives you?

Black History Month

For Black History Month I would like to highlight Samantha Fletcher: Harvard Graduate School of Education 2021, Educator, Technologist, Podcaster, & DEI Strategist,
Director of Inclusivity & Innovation for Eduscape. Samantha also host a dynamic weekly podcast named Daily Crossings Podcast, diving into the diversity ethos with clear solutions instead of rhetoric. You can find it on many podcast platforms and on YouTube. For more info about Samantha check out her website: